
Sunday, 24 November 2024

Noise of the unfolding line

One of the features of music composition which has fascinated me recently is the phenomenon of heterophony: the playing of a single melodic line by many voices which meander around that line, providing different versions of it.

Heterophony generates noise which feeds the line, which generates noise. The line becomes continuous and self-referential. The lines swirls and gains new degrees of freedom as a knot. In swirling it creates a space of interaction. Totality is in a single note. We move into a structured nothing with perception of a line of a plane. This may be the essence of being human. And it means that everything that happens is inevitable because it exists as a possibility within totality. The totality of perception is nothing - we can only hold onto a thread of our part of that totality. 

AI may one day be able to do better than this - to offer something more total (although it could never be totality itself). And AI is essentially heterophonic, as I have mentioned before: Improvisation Blog: AI and Heterophony

This improvisation isn't so much a dance, but I think the combination of timbres and gestures is in reality the unfolding of a single line which knots itself and gradually unknots itself, in the process constructing and demarcating time. 

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