
Monday, 9 November 2009

Washing Machine

Is the washing machine broken? That's been the question of morning. I'm not convinced. How do you decide if anything's broken or needs 'fixing' - mechanical or human? There are observable outcomes. We decide on explanatory principles to explain the outcomes (sometimes irrational explanatory principles). Emotion can affect the way explanatory principles are formed. If we don't agree on the explanatory principles, arguments happen. Can you find commensurability between opposing explanatory principles?


  1. honey.
    are the clothes getting clean?

  2. Hi Cecile, amazing how much space Mark gave to our troubled washing machine, since he never operates it. The machine got finally fixed today. Yahoo.

  3. Look.. I was trying to make a philosophical point about the washing machine! Ok... Philosophy will not do the washing. But I love thinking about it!!

  4. Yeah, I know. Null problemo.
    P.S. I listen to Heidegger audio books while sorting socks...
