I'm really connecting my perception with communication...
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Monday, 29 March 2010
Nearly at the end of the workshops...
Been thinking about absence a lot recently. There's probably a video that I need to do regarding this.. not yet.. too much to do. Gradually getting through everything. But it's so much to organise. And organisation isn't my strong point (but it is my area of study!)
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Getting improvisation going again
This has been a woeful month for improvisation - a symptom of how frantic things have been recently. But gradually, everything is getting sorted. The house (thanks to friends) is getting tidier, and the Strategy Workshops look like they are going to be very successful (or at least the Edinburgh one was). Wales on Friday, Bolton on Wednesday.
This improvisation was done in the old house. I've only just got around to recording it. The video gets very surreal at moments..
This improvisation was done in the old house. I've only just got around to recording it. The video gets very surreal at moments..
Friday, 19 March 2010
Online in the new house
The improvisation's is still on the piano. But at least we have internet from the new house. Effectively moved in today. Lots of work to do for the strategy events next week, but all seems to be going well. Concert on Saturday for my debut as a xylophonist! (and tamborinist). Must hire a van tomorrow!
Friday, 12 March 2010
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Catching up
Haven't done any improvisation yet this month! I want to get back to the stuff I was doing in January...
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Learning Technology and the Body
It's been a while since I blogged. Not surprising. New house, sorting out strategy conference at the last minute, recovering from RAK, following things up, Phd, chasing VLE, developing new courses (international computing in particular). Too many balls in the air, and the blogging ball has had to go!
Getting back into academic mode, I've been thinking about the relationship between learning and the body. There's something in Rabelais about the educational of Pantagruel:
"Whilst they talked of these things, many times, to be the more certain, they caused the very books to be brought to the table, and so well and perfectly did he in his memory retain the things above said, that in that time there was not a physician that knew half so much as he did. Afterwards they conferred of the lessons read in the morning, and, ending their repast with some conserve or marmalade of quinces, he picked his teeth with mastic tooth-pickers, washed his hands and eyes with fair fresh water, and gave thanks unto God in some fine cantiques, made in praise of the divine bounty and munificence. This done, they brought in cards, not to play, but to learn a thousand pretty tricks and new inventions, which were all grounded upon arithmetic. By this means he fell in love with that numerical science, and every day after dinner and supper he passed his time in it as pleasantly as he was wont to do at cards and dice; so that at last he understood so well both the theory and practical part thereof, that Tunstall the Englishman, who had written very largely of that purpose, confessed that verily in comparison of him he had no skill at all. And not only in that, but in the other mathematical sciences, as geometry, astronomy, music, &c. For in waiting on the concoction and attending the digestion of his food, they made a thousand pretty instruments and geometrical figures, and did in some measure practise the astronomical canons."
Getting back into academic mode, I've been thinking about the relationship between learning and the body. There's something in Rabelais about the educational of Pantagruel:
"Whilst they talked of these things, many times, to be the more certain, they caused the very books to be brought to the table, and so well and perfectly did he in his memory retain the things above said, that in that time there was not a physician that knew half so much as he did. Afterwards they conferred of the lessons read in the morning, and, ending their repast with some conserve or marmalade of quinces, he picked his teeth with mastic tooth-pickers, washed his hands and eyes with fair fresh water, and gave thanks unto God in some fine cantiques, made in praise of the divine bounty and munificence. This done, they brought in cards, not to play, but to learn a thousand pretty tricks and new inventions, which were all grounded upon arithmetic. By this means he fell in love with that numerical science, and every day after dinner and supper he passed his time in it as pleasantly as he was wont to do at cards and dice; so that at last he understood so well both the theory and practical part thereof, that Tunstall the Englishman, who had written very largely of that purpose, confessed that verily in comparison of him he had no skill at all. And not only in that, but in the other mathematical sciences, as geometry, astronomy, music, &c. For in waiting on the concoction and attending the digestion of his food, they made a thousand pretty instruments and geometrical figures, and did in some measure practise the astronomical canons."