
Sunday, 30 August 2009

Music in a time of flourishing

This is definitely a good time. It has been for a few months now. It may be about to change, so it's worth recording that this is a good time. I'm relaxing in the stables with a cup of tea while Izzy goes riding (in circles). She's had a fantastic weekend! Barbeque at Mossley Hall yesterday turned into a musical event with lots of singing and laughing. Holiday last week in Suffolk also great success with Izzy spending most of her time with a friend. Also we learnt today that the Holy Name church has also been confirmed as an oratory church to be known as the 'Manchester Oratory'. All good.. Is it interesting to see when people are deeply happy? Maybe at times when this is not the case...

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Monday, 24 August 2009

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Back from Holiday

Arrived back from holiday yesterday exhausted. Still, it's been a good break. It'll be good to get back to work! Learning Design paper nearly there....

Saturday, 15 August 2009

On Holiday

Spent a fantastic night in Youth Hostel in south derbyshire (after getting car stuck in a ditch). Walking this morning. Izzy very happy. Now in Harpenden awaiting next stage... Norfolk. Weather forecast looking good...

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Swimming and Driving

Spent day swimming and driving. Izzy had a good time, but it was noisy and very busy. Need to relax, so (for the first time in a while) I felt like improvisation. This was the result. Very consciously doing an exhortation, coercion and disruption thing (this is coming into a paper on Learning Design I'm writing with Dai at the moment). The video production (reviewing my LD paper) was interrupted by wasp!

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Composing and Improvising

I don't feel like doing any improvisations at the moment. I'm more interested in composing. Been playing with the tablet's functionality in word to sketch some music. I'm interested in seeing how this develops over the next few days...

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Busy Weekend

Swimming in the sea in St Anns on Saturday after aborting a trip to a water park, horse riding on Sunday and then church and ice-cream in Fletcher Moss gardens. Good weekend.