
Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Rest and Pumpkins

I did this one on Tuesday morning as Isobel was carving out a pumpkin (and hopefully not carving off her fingers!). Was I inappropriately chilled??

Monday, 27 October 2008

Monday's Strategy

e-Strategy meeting and IDIBL presentation... it's been a non-stop day!

Hell of a week

It's been a hell of a week - concert, Izzy, Trafford Centre madness, etc, etc. Very tired. Astrid said this was a 'serious' improvisation. She's right!


Improvisation around regular rhythms and fibonacci numbers.

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Sound Inquiries

This is an improvisation around the theme of 'Sound Inquiry'. Using PD for effects...

Friday, 17 October 2008

What is music?

Thinking about combining talking and playing.. and here to inquire "what is music".. it gives us something to talk about... it is a fluctuation of possible events... a fluctuation of probabilities of action...

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Improvisation from a couple of days ago..

I was tired when I did this one too! I called it 'through leaves' - maybe thinking of Janacek (although it's not Janacekian!)

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Harlech day...

I am so incredibly tired after driving to Harlech and back. But I'm always interested in the improvisations when I'm in this state. It's almost as if my conscious mind can't control what my fingers do, so my fingers have even more autonomy!

Monday, 13 October 2008

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Two experriments with Golden Sections

These are two attempts to integrate Golden-section proportions into different musical styles. The first is a Bach-style piece, the second is Scarlatti...

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

love of patterns

These improvisations may not seem to be about 'love' but I think they are. Thinking about Fibonacci series and patterns... talking to Izzy about maths this evening. What is a pattern? it is love... May look deeper into Norgard's mathematics. These are both quite Bartokian. Going back to my adolescent philosophical musings, where the most important thing seemed to me to be the emotional nature of logic... something that Vedic mathematical tradition emphasises too.

Monday, 6 October 2008

Love is a pattern!

Heard some Webern on the Radio at Astrid's house this morning. Extraordinary music.. so I've had a go at doing a couple of things in a similar vein... What's the pattern?


Wednesday, 1 October 2008


The Heart (by Astrid)

The heart is a strange organ. Small, with many rooms.
Did you know that blood circulates without a heart, right in the
beginning of everything new?

That is how strong love is, before it gets its different names.
Sea of love. Yes. Does it branch out? Yes. Does it have many rooms? Yes.

Love is never weak.

Simplicity is love. Complexity is tasty. Swallow it whole.

I collapse with mirth and laughter, I am helpless, I give in.